Low whistle & guitar improvisation

Описание к видео Low whistle & guitar improvisation

Hi! This month's video is an improvisation on F low whistle and guitar. At the end it was funny because we unplannedly started to play a melody from a song on JJ's latest album. Listen to that song on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/track/2W8w8Z...


*TinWhistler is ten years old! :) If you've enjoyed our music on YouTube for the past 10 years and would like to support TinWhistler, why not become our official patrons? :D Check out our Patreon page:   / tinwhistler  

*Remember our first album is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify... and Bandcamp: https://tinwhistler.bandcamp.com/

*Stay tuned by following us on Facebook and Twitter!
  / pjtinwhistler  
  / pjtinwhistler  

*JJ has just released his solo album. Please 'like' his new FB page, here:   / juanjomonserratoficial  

*Our father is a painter, he paints traditional landscapes from our homeland. Please 'like' his FB page, here:   / rubertpainter  

Thanks for watching! SORRY: Private whistle lessons are NO LONGER AVAILABLE (for now).


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