Описание к видео C TET NOTES

A constellation is a group of stars that appear to form a pattern or picture in the night sky. Constellations are often named after animals, mythological subjects, or inanimate objects.
Here are some facts about constellations:
Number of constellations: There are 88 officially recognized constellations.
Boundaries: The International Astronomical Union (IAU) defines constellations as areas in the sky with boundaries indicated by sky coordinates.
Visibility: The constellations you can see depend on your location on Earth and the time of year.
Naming: Astronomers still use constellations to name stars and meteor showers.
Origin: The first constellations were likely defined in prehistory.
Orientation: Constellations are easily recognizable patterns that help people orient themselves using the night sky.
Some examples of constellations include:
Orion the Great Hunter
Leo the Lion
Taurus the Bull
Delphinus the Dolphin
Pegasus the Winged Horse
Andromeda the Princess


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