ALL PERSONAL PRONOUNS | I, me, my, mine, myself ...

Описание к видео ALL PERSONAL PRONOUNS | I, me, my, mine, myself ...

subject pronouns | object pronouns | possessive adjectives | possessive pronouns | reflexive pronouns

In today's lesson, I teach you how and when to use personal pronouns. In English all of these pronouns look very similar, but must be used differently.

00:00 intro
00:44 subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, they, we)
02:37 object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, them, us)
03:53 common mistake: I vs. me
05:22 TEST 1 subject and object pronouns
06:00 exceptions: singular "they" and "them
07:46 possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, their, our)
08:37 Its vs. It's
10:17 possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours)
13:03 a friend of mine OR my friend?
14:53 TEST 2 possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
15:11 reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, themselves, ourselves)
16:59 TEST 3 ALL pronouns

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🔥COMMON QUESTIONS: Arnel, how do you edit your videos? What software do you use?

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✉️Let me know in the comments or send me a direct Instagram message (arnelseverydayenglish) if you want me to make a video lesson on how I create, edit and design my lessons. If enough people are interested, I'll definitely make one for you guys!

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I hope this lesson is helpful! Thank you very much for watching 😊



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