SolSuite Solitaire, Four by Four 2 Decks

Описание к видео SolSuite Solitaire, Four by Four 2 Decks

This time playing the Four by Four 2 Decks game card game on Solsuite Solitaire. Its an order card game with 104 cards and consists to put the 4 cards from its indicated number to advance to the next one. The foundations are built by rank regardless of suit. If a base card is the 7 Hearts Suit, you have to build the other three 7's in any order: 7 Spades Suit, 7 Clubs Suit, and 7 Diamonds Suit. Then the four 8's, the four 9's and so on until its card game ends in a win. At least 66.67% (2/3) of the times the game can end in a won but theres some other ones that you can lose. On 2024 season since its the first time I played this card game I made a time of 3 minute 10 seconds.


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