Disney Heroes Vs Non-Disney Villains War

Описание к видео Disney Heroes Vs Non-Disney Villains War

Mickey,Donald,and Goofy Vs El Supremo
Mickey Donald And Goofy had save the Kingdom from Pete,until an new foe called El Supremo,invades it to rule it,they defend the castle from him.
Peter Pan Vs Captain Hook
Hook plans to rule Neverland,and confronted by Pan,Hook,thinking this is a twin or clone,decided to show him his powers

Aladdin and Genie Vs Zigzag and Blue Meanie
Zigzag arrives At Agrabah to convince Sultan to be his new vizier,Sultan,Aladdin,and Jasmine,refused,believe him to be as bad as Jafar,Zizgag,furious,at this,visited an old friend in the Blue Meanie,assists him to rule Agrabah,only to see Aladdin has backup.
John Silver and Jim Hawkins Vs Tak and Preed
After the defeat of Scroop,peace has been restored to space,however,Tak and Preed,are sent to rule it,Jim and Silver defenses the ship
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Vs King Hagard
Qui Gon and Obi are sent by the Jedi to stop Hagard from killing Magic,will they succeed
John Silver and Very Evil Pirate formed an evil Pirate alliance with their comrades.
After nearly killed by Jones,Thrax is Visited by Valentino.
After the fight with the invaders,Jim and Silver informs the Galactic Alliance of the invasion.
Alastor decided to make his move.
Tak is yelled by her boss for failing and decided to send Jasper and Spinel.
After saving the Unicorn,The Jedi search for more allies.
The Demon King returns after being imprisoned for years and unites with his Demonic forces.


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