STOP Building Acheron WRONG - Complete Build Guide

Описание к видео STOP Building Acheron WRONG - Complete Build Guide

A complete Acheron guide with everything you need to know. Best Relics, Lightcones, Teams, Stats to Build, plus tips and tricks to get the most out of her.

00:00 Intro
00:08 Relics
02:05 Why Quantum and Blizzard Relics can be fine
05:23 Main & Substats - Who Much Crit Rate do you need?
05:48 Are Speed or ATK% better for Boots?
06:24 Sphere Lighting Damage vs Attack%
06:38 Substats
06:45 LightCones
06:52 Do you really NEED the Signature Lightcone?
10:53 Teams
16:03 Traces
22:05 Eidolons
23:32 Vertical Investment & Pull Value

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