"You Are Good" - Israel & New Breed / Guitar Cover / FM3 Fractal / BigSky / Worship / Guitar Cover

Описание к видео "You Are Good" - Israel & New Breed / Guitar Cover / FM3 Fractal / BigSky / Worship / Guitar Cover

Hello everyone, I recorded this praise song with the FM3 Fractal (AC30WTB / Euro Blue) + Big Sky. Recorded without cuts!!
I used the Fractal amplifier simulator and the BigSky Class-A 30w TB + Euro Blue Hall reverb.
If you play in church worshiping God, if you are interested, I can send you this preset by email or WhatsApp.
Thank you God.

Olá pessoal, eu gravei esse louvor com a FM3 Fractal (AC30WTB / Euro Blue) + Big Sky. Gravado sem cortes!!
Usei o Class-A 30w TB + Euro Blue simulador de amplificador da fractal e reverb Hall do BigSky.
Vocês que tocam na igreja adorando à Deus, caso se interessem, posso enviar esse preset por e-mail ou zap.
Tks God.

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