⛧Behemoth - Alpha Brainwaves 15hz - Bestial Mating Power -Satanic Mating Call⛧

Описание к видео ⛧Behemoth - Alpha Brainwaves 15hz - Bestial Mating Power -Satanic Mating Call⛧

Cast a circle (salt is traditionally used for this purpose) and call upon your chosen deity or deities.

“Ye who art mighty and powerful, we ask that ye witness this rite and lend us thy strength. We summon thee, Behemoth, indistructible beast and lord of the wild. Grant us thy favor in our workings and keep us safe from harm.”

Anoint the candle with oil and then light it. Place it in the center of your circle.

Sprinkle some frankincense on the hot coals in your censer or pot. Pass the censer around your circle three times, allowing the smoke to rise up into the air.

Sit down in front of the candle and take a few deep breaths, centering yourself. When you are ready, say the following invocation:

“Behemoth, great and mighty demon, I ask that thou come forth and grant me thy power. I offer thee this sacrifice in exchange for thy blessings. Grant me psychic ability and mating power, that I may serve thee faithfully.”

Hold your hands over the bowl of water and imagine a blue light emanating from them. Visualize this light traveling down into the water until it surrounds it completely. Now say the following words:

“I call upon thee, Behemoth, to manifest in this water. Grant me thy sexual power and blessings, that I may be a worthy conduit of your strenght.”

With the summoning ritual complete, you’ve entered the zone of
Behemoth´s influence. Now you can get more precise with your requests to the demon.

Hail Satan!
Hail Thyself!

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