Creating Publication-Ready Summary Tables with {gtsummary}

Описание к видео Creating Publication-Ready Summary Tables with {gtsummary}

This talk will introduce the {gtsummary} R package, and will review details of some of the functionality it provides for creating publication quality analytical and summary tables. The talk will cover basic descriptive statistic tables as well as tables of regression results, and will highlight some of the features for combining multiple tables and including results from tables with inline text in Rmarkdown reporting.

Emily Zabor is a faculty biostatistician at Cleveland Clinic in the Department of Quantitative Health Sciences and the Taussig Cancer Center, where she collaborates with doctors on applied oncology projects and does statistical methods research on early phase clinical trial designs and survival analysis techniques. Emily has authored and contributed to a number of R packages, and is a former board member of R-Ladies NYC.

The slides are available online here:

#rstats #statistics #datascience #epidemiology #tables


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