Guatemala - Land of Eternal Spring! in 4K! | DEVINSUPERTRAMP

Описание к видео Guatemala - Land of Eternal Spring! in 4K! | DEVINSUPERTRAMP

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This video was made possible by WeaveSleeve! They are taking an amazing art made by the hands of the Guatemalan women and turning it into their full time. Amazing product and an amazing cause, check out more from WeaveSleeve on their facebook page:
  / 219050098219401  

Watch the Behind the Scenes here:
   • Behind The Scenes - Guatemala - Land ...  

Read our blog for even more details on the making of this video, and the people of Guatemala who made it happen:

Music by the amazing Tony Anderson, you can license his music here:

Big thanks to Helicopteros De Guatemala for flying us around the country making this video possible!

Film by Parker Walbeck using the RED Dragon in 6k
with a Glidecam HD 4000 and the DEFY.
Timelapses by Carter Hogan using Canon 5D Mark III
Edited by Parker Walbeck using Adobe Premiere Pro Creative Cloud

Make sure to follow me on instagram, facebook, and twitter, it's the cool thing to do these days :)

It's also where I let people know how to be involved in my videos.

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For footage license inquiries ONLY, please email at:
[email protected]

For business inquiries ONLY, contact me here: [email protected]


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