Silicon Valley: Season 4 Episode 4 - Teambuilding Exercise / Not a hotdog

Описание к видео Silicon Valley: Season 4 Episode 4 - Teambuilding Exercise / Not a hotdog

Erlich’s incompetence is another story. In a fit of rage, he takes a dick pic with the SeeFood app on Jian-Yang’s phone. “See, it says hot dog!” he yells as SeeFood misidentifies Erlich’s wang. “It doesn’t even work!” Jian-Yang tells Erlich he has interviews at Airbnb and Periscope, so he’s done with the SeeFood app. Erlich accepts Jian-Yang’s resignation so long as he gives Erlich the Corvette and tells Monica why there’s no app.

At Raviga, Laurie calls Monica into her office. But instead of exiting her, she tells Monica she’s pleased with SeeFood’s newfound success. “Jian-Yang unwittingly crafted an app for the detection of penile imagery,” says Laurie. “And Periscope bought it for $4 million.” Erlich’s dick pic made it all possible! SeeFood is now SeeDong! Monica calls Erlich in his Corvette to tell him he could have had $500,000 had he not dissolved his partnership with Jian-Yang.

Of course, Erlich’s not happy about Jian-Yang’s success. Even less happy is Dinesh. His new job is at Periscope, where he’ll be testing Jian-Yang’s app. That means looking at dick pics all day long. “I would say ‘not safe for work,’” teases Gilfoyle, “but this IS your work.” Talk about doing things the hard way!

Silicon Valley Season 4 Episode 4
Not hotdog


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