
Описание к видео 香港兆基創意書院校長謝國駿先生分享


Ednovation in Secondary Education
Theme: Nurturing core competencies and creating multiple pathways for the young generation

講者 Speakers:
Mr. Tse Kwok Chun, Wilson, Principal of HKICC Lee Shau KEe School of Creativity


About HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Planned and operated by Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (HKSC) opened in 2006. It is a Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) senior secondary school devoted to actualizing creative education through the studies of art, design, media and culture. Students can choose to take both DSE subjects and an accredited Level 3 Diploma in Creative Arts (DCA) as dual track, or just the DCA. It is hoped that HKSC students will embrace happy learning and creative life within and without the campus. Upon graduation, students articulate to tertiary studies in the field of arts, and creative industries, and as independent and compassionate young people with creative and critical thinking.


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