11 Signs A Man Is Only Settling For You & You Are Not His First Choice

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11 Signs A Man Is Only Settling For You & You Are Not His First Choice
When you are not his first choice and he may very well dump when he levels up financially and becomes less of a loser, with your help.

How do you know if you are not a man’s first choice, in other words how do you know if he is only settling for you and he may very well dump you as soon as he levels up and becomes less of a loser.
First thing I want to say is in a perfect world, nobody should settle for less than what they want and/or deserve and they should remain single until they do.
Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works;
In the real world, people rarely get what they want right away for many reasons such as lack of opportunity, not being in the right place and the right time, not living up to their potential …etc, so what they do is they settle for what they think would do it for the time being.
I have seen more people deceiving themselves and the other person into second choice relationships that were not satisfying, a lot of the time out of convenience or out of laziness but for men in particular, it’s usually because of financial reasons, in other words, they settle because they cannot afford in monetary terms the dream girl they really want.
And who they settle for? The acceptably attractive woman who has lower standards and will accept less…less effort, less commitment, less money spent, money that will be saved for that dream girl that he may meet in the future…etc.
What's even more unfair is the fact that when such man levels up financially and he happens to meet his dream girl, he would have no shame walking away and never turning back like you never existed, regardless of how long you have been together, the sacrifices that you made for him, the time, energy and money that you invested in the relationship.
These situations are more common than you think and I urge any woman who has the slightest doubt about her man to check out these signs that will tell you if he is only settling for you and is not genuinely in love with you.
Finally, if you realize that your man is settling for you, I have no better advice to give you than to leave him, especially if you don’t have legal ties or children together, because being someone second choice is like a death by a thousand cut, over time , even though he is the one who made the decision to settle for you, he will end up resenting you for not being what he wants, and his behaviour towards you will speak to that resentment and lack of genuine love and desire and will make you miserable.
1. He is not very enthusiastic
2. You won’t be a priority
3. If you had to fight hard for commitment
4. Dissatisfaction with you
5. When you feel he is ready to walk away any time
6. He is happier with other people, especially other women
7. Intimacy is mechanical
8. If he is cheating on you
9. If you provide for him
10. If you are too far away from his “type”
11. If you feel you need to be a completely different person for him to be happy with you


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