3 Tips To Nail Any Brand Voice 🗣

Описание к видео 3 Tips To Nail Any Brand Voice 🗣

⁠If you’re a copywriter, here is a brilliant idea for you... 💡⁠

When you begin working for a new client, there is nothing more important than being able to nail the voice of your client. ⁠

The goal is for what YOU write to be exactly like something that THEY would write. ⁠

This is so important that most clients will ask you to complete a "test" before hiring you, to see if you're up to the task... 🤨⁠

So there are a number of ways you can learn to mimic their style and write amazing copy that sounds like it came directly from them (👀 watch this video for some tips on that). ⁠


You can help them create one!

Check this out... ⏬⁠

During my LIVE Brand Voice Guide challenge last year, one of my students decided to use it as a way to find a new client.

👀 After signing up, she did a giveaway on her social media for a FREE Brand Voice Guide, which she wrote while taking the Challenge, using my proven Posse Eye framework.⁠

When she turned in the client's Brand Voice Guide, here’s the feedback she got…⁠

💬 “Okay… so I love, love, love it. Like a lot. A lot lot. ⁠

It’s almost creepy how you were able to capture my feelings and perspectives so accurately! I read through it several times and really think you nailed it! It just feels right. ⁠

I know this will be so helpful for branding and marketing purposes.” 💬⁠

Now she has an amazing new client…

A new service she offers and charges 🤑 for…

A slick Brand Voice Guide to showcase in her portfolio and land even more clients... ⁠

🔥 Freakin’ awesome, right? ⁠

While you don’t need to have a client to join the Posse Eye Challenge, I wanted to share this idea with you, because you just may land yourself a new client in the process 😉⁠

Check out 👉🏻 https://go.copyposse.com/eyeeg-ytc if you want more info on joining the Posse Eye Challenge! 🔮⁠

P.S. Stay tuned for part 2 and 3 of this mini-series 😎


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