Shinobi Striker: Skill and Effect (Build details)

Описание к видео Shinobi Striker: Skill and Effect (Build details)

0:40 Boosts close-range attack damage
1:51 Boosts status aliments duration
3:00 Reduces the close-range attack downtime
3:18 Boosts Ninjutsu piercing power
4:15 Boosts Ninjutsu attack power
4:39 Boosts Healing Ninjutsu recovery power
5:06 Shortens Secret Technique charge time

5:36 Boosts max health - Boosts Ninjutsu damage resistance
6:32 Boosts movement speed
7:29 Shortens Ninja Tool cooldown time
8:04 Boosts status aliment recovery speed
8:19 Shortens substitution cooldown time
8:35 Shortens Ninjutsu cooldown time

8:58 Boosts close-range attack guard damage
9:17 Restores health when an enemy gets knocked out
9:34 Boosts movement speed after respawning
9:52 Shortens Ninjutsu cooldown time when in critical health
10:20 Boosts close-range attack damage when in critical health
10:45 Boosts close-range attack damage when an ally is defeated
11:35 Shortens respawning time

Here is a full test on how the skill slot on Top, Bottom and Accessory work. You get to know a refined detail on your equipment for making the best builds possible.

PSN: Sacredforce

#Naruto #Boruto #ShinobiStriker


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