Florida Eye - LENSAR Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery

Описание к видео Florida Eye - LENSAR Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery

Laser cataract surgery allows your cataract surgeon to tailor your procedure with the goal of reducing your dependency on glasses or contact lenses. During your procedure, your cataract surgeon will use the most advanced technology available, including premium intraocular lenses (IOL) and the laser with an advanced 3-D modeling technology. The laser’s imaging takes a more intelligent approach to cataract surgery. With the laser’s imaging, your cataract surgeon can see everything inside your eye in greater detail. This allows the cataract surgeon to plan the surgery better, to precisely soften the cataract in preparation for removal, and to ensure the appropriate condition for the most accurate placement of your IOL. It is the laser’s precision, imaging, and incisions that allow your cataract surgeon to ensure that the cataract is safely removed and that the new IOL is perfectly placed, resulting in better visual outcomes.


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