5 Secrets To The Perfect Door-to-Door Sales Pitch

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5 Secrets To The Perfect Door-to-Door Sales Pitch


You only have one chance at a first impression, and in door-to-door sales your sales pitch is just that…your first impression. If you don’t have an effective sales pitch you will miss out on a lot of sales. In today’s post, we reveal 5 secrets to the perfect sales pitch for selling door to door.

Step 1 of the perfect sales pitch: Who are you?
Unfortunately, in most cases when you are selling door to door, your potential customers will have their guard up when you first approach them. It is essential at this point to create some way to lower that guard in order to effectively get to your sales pitch and generate new sales.

The first step to doing this is to lead with an effective icebreaker. (You can see a full post on icebreakers HERE.)

An effective icebreaker could be as simple as name dropping a current customer in the neighborhood, or having an icebreaker based on observations you’ve made before you approach the customer.

It could be something like noticing a soccer ball in the yard and asking if their kids play soccer. The main thing is to not sound scripted. You may start with one kind of icebreaker that you use most of the time, but the less scripted, and unique it is to each prospect, the better.

Then simply introduce yourself and your company that you work with. “Hi I’m Tim, with Fabulous Security Systems.”

Step 2: Why are you there?
One of the biggest reasons sales reps don’t make more sales is they come off as just someone trying to sell something and not as a messenger of good news. Having a good reason why you are there will help you transition into your sales pitch more naturally and will avoid your potential customer having their guard up.

A great way to position yourself as a messenger of good news is to simply state why you are there in a format of your name, the company you work for, name dropping, and then filling a spot in your technician’s route.

We mentioned name dropping earlier as part of an icebreaker, but if you didn’t use that in your icebreaker, it’s recommend using it as part of why you are there.

It might sound something like this, “Hey how’s it going? I’m Joe with Rove Pest Control, and I was just talking with the Smith’s down the street and the reason I’m here is we are starting a new route in your neighborhood this week and we are having some technicians come in to do some treatments. We have a few spots left open that are available for the next two families that want to take advantage of a large discount we are offering on our services to those that fill those spots…”

Step 3: What are you offering?
From the example above, you can see part of the what you are offering step. This is an important step as it will transition from your first two steps, into what you are offering and your sales pitch and value build seamlessly.

One of the most effective strategies as you have seen above is to offer some sort of discount or special offer to fill in spots on a route for your company. This does several things but primarily it gives you a natural reason to be there and will position yourself as a messenger of good news, rather than someone just trying to sell something.

This also creates a natural fear of loss or missing out with your potential customers because there are only so many spots you have open for that discount or special you are offering. Doing this will create a sense of urgency for your prospects to take action today, rather than waiting and missing out.

Step 4: Address a common concern or objection
In most cases you will usually have concerns that occur frequently with your potential customers. For example, if you market pest control it might be things like, I do my own pest control, I’m not seeing any pests, I already have a pest control service, etc.

One simple step you can add in to your door-to-door sales pitch is to address a common concern in advance before you get they are mentioned from your potential customer.

Doing this step can save you the headache of going through your entire sales pitch and then getting a common concern at the conclusion of your approach.

Step 5: End with a conversational close
All too often, door-to-door sales reps will use a yes/no question instead of asking an open ended question. This can lead to the end of your sales pitch immediately. Even if you think your question will get the response you are looking for, in most cases it won’t and you will end your chance of making a sales with that potential customer.

If you happen to be considering a new door-to-door sales opportunity you will certainly get the best training available as a part of the D2D Millionaire Team. Learn more about becoming a part of our team here!


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