Marie Louise Von Franz The Way of the Dream - 10 hr documentary Anima/Animus

Описание к видео Marie Louise Von Franz The Way of the Dream - 10 hr documentary Anima/Animus

#dreams #dreaminterpretation DREAM series on Jungian Psychology - Archetypes & Neurosis - The #anima & #animus - Personal/Individual & Collective Religious Archetypes, Complexes & Neurosis - #shadowself - #soul
Out of all esoteric writers/books, I must say that Mr. Jung's works have been the MOST beneficial. I had a VERY interesting thing happen, I came upon Ms. Von Franz "accidentally" and randomly chose a point in this lengthy documentary to begin listening to while I began to drift off to sleep. Before I fell asleep, she said something to the effect "If a man dreams he is a butterfly, is he a man or is he a butterfly dreaming it is a man" it is taken from a Chinese philosopher Chuang-Zhou, who lived around the 4 th century BC. The night this occurred I sat up in bed an began laughing, and saying Yesssss, I will listen to this over and over again, for it MUST have some great value in my own personal growth, talk about a wild synchronicity! I had watched an episode of a television series from 2017 ( i think 2017) that VERY SAME day, and in the episode, it made reference to that VERY SAME 🦋 butterfly the man dreaming he is a butterfly or is the butterfly dreaming he is a man? was soooo perfect! I absolutely KNEW that I hadn't found Marie-Louise by accident, and the fact that she studied under Carl Jung, icing on the proverbial cake, INDEED!
Since that time, I have been listening to this and I cannot say how helpful it has been in the further interpretation of my own dreams, as well as identifying my individual complexes and neurosis. I hope you find it as useful as I currently am.

Marie-Louise von Franz, 1915-1998 Marie-Louise von Franz holds a PhD in classical philology from the University of Zurich. From 1934 until his death in 1961, she worked closely with C.G. Jung, especially for his studies of alchemy. She supplemented his late work Mysterium coniunctionis with an interpretation of the Aurora consurgens, a Christian alchemical text attributed to Thomas Aquinas. She was a lecturer and training analyst at the C.G. Jung-Institut Küsnacht ZH for many years. In 1974, together with friends, she founded the Stiftung für Jung'sche Psychologie Küsnacht ZH. In addition, she became honorary president of the Research and Training Center for Depth Psychology founded in 1995 after C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz in Zurich.

Her publications, among others on the psychological interpretation of fairy tales and dreams, on alchemy, on the medieval stories of the Grail, the visions of Niklaus von Flüe, the Eternal Youth, her research on synchronicity and her masterful "inner" biography of C.G. Jung's importance in our time have been translated into 23 languages to date. With the psychological commentary on the Kitãb Hall ar-Rumûz by Muhammad Ibn Umail, she crowned her life's work.

Love yourselves and love each other unconditionally.
Much Love, Peace, and Healing


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