#01 UPPCL JE 2022 | 5000+ New Questions & Theory | AC Fundamental | New Syllabus | Nikhil Sir

Описание к видео #01 UPPCL JE 2022 | 5000+ New Questions & Theory | AC Fundamental | New Syllabus | Nikhil Sir

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The alternating quantities are conveniently represented by the phasor diagrams. The phasor diagram is basically a polar representation of an alternating quantity. The phasors rotate in anticlockwise direction with an angular velocity ω rad/sec. All the phasors representing various alternating quantities have a particular fixed position with respect to each other. For example if there is a voltage

This phasor lies along x-axis.

Similarly an alternating current also can be represented in the polar form.

Now consider a phasor shown in the Fig. 1.18. In polar form it is represented as E∠±φ.

The point A can be represented in the rectangular form with x co-ordinate and y co-ordinate.

The y axis is an imaginary axis and hence in rectangular form the phasor OA is represented as, rectangular form = E cos φ + j.E sin φ

Thus if φ = 0 then the y co-ordinate of the corresponding quantity is also zero.

Thus in polar form if quantity is represented as E∠±φ then its rectangular form is E cosφ ± j E sin φ.


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