Golf Championship - Reel 1 (1952)

Описание к видео Golf Championship - Reel 1 (1952)

Lytham golf championship, St. Annes on Sea.

Documentation on file refers to Henry Cotton, Bobby Locke, Horne, Dai Rees & Panton.

GV's of Golf Championship in progress and crowd watching. LS. Championship Scoreboard. LS. Large crowd at the presentation. LS. and MS. presenting cup to Bobby Locke replying. ("NAT. SND.)"...... Ladies and Gentlemen, I can't tell you how pleased I am at this moment, but sitting in the Club House there, there were a lot of people around and I can assure you when I heard what Peter Thomson was doing I was hoping you know, but I feel quite composed now and very glad to have this trophy for the third time. Well now, you all know how I feel, if you care to come and take a look at this cup and see all those names on there in the past, this is the covetous title I think, in golf, It's a wonderful trophy, it's been played for since 1872, and, well, you know what I mean. This is for the side, but it's always handy in S. Africa, and really you know I have quite a few S. African friends here, and while we were waiting they were giving me a few whiskies, I could, and I could sing you a song but I didn't bring my music. Getting back to the golf, Fred Daley led by 67 and 69 in the first two rounds, but it just shows you here how the weather can change and how it can affect the scoring, but Peter Thomson did a 70 this afternoon, and really when you all get to know Peter as well as I know him, he came out of S. Africa and he treated me in a way that I didn't like very much, but if Peter doesn't win this championship in the next two or three years well, I'm not a very good judge of form. LS. Bobby Locke speaking (nat. snd.) "I've got another word I'll tell you later, but anyhow this is really a test of golf, where there's a premium on every shot, from Tee to Green, even to when we finished the last hole, now that's really....... that eighteenth hole I had three fives, and I can assure you it's a really crude golf hole if any of you people care to stay an extra day, I'm sure that they'll accept your entry with pleasure and you could see what we went through. The reason I have this coat on is that I lost so much weight, that' I didn't want you to see my jacket hanging on me, but anyhow I'm sure that S. Africa will be pleased, and with good health and every thing next year I'll be at Carnefli, but I'll be up there about two weeks, before and by the green keeper there a dinner every night, because I want him to water the greens every night This is a wonderful course, I'm very glad to have won and thank you very much to all you people, I've had to do a bit of asking you to get back, but you're really wonderful thank you very much for your support.

(Comb. Lav.)
FILM ID:2606.06



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