After Later Audio QARV // The Ultimate Manual, Walkthrough & Patch Tips

Описание к видео After Later Audio QARV // The Ultimate Manual, Walkthrough & Patch Tips

All patches shown in this video can be found in my supplemental Illustrated Patch Guide/Manual:

In this video we take a deep dive into QARV by After Later Audio. QARV is a 20hp Quad Attack Release VCA, function generator, mixer, oscillator, LFO, envelope generator, filter, recifier, and overall mega utility.

This is a long video, so feel free to jump to any section:
00:00 - Opening
00:50 - Overview
08:48 - VCAs
10:48 - Half Wave Rectification
13:25 - Bipolar to Unipolar
14:24 - Waveform Offset
15:57 - Clipping Offset
17:29 - AR Envelope
18:08 - ASR Envelope
18:30 - ADSR Envelope
21:02 - Pseudo Filter
21:39 - Full Voice Synth
23:05 - FM Modulation
25:39 - Dynamic Slew
27:42 - Tremolo Effect
29:04 - Envelope Follower
30:33 - Gated Burst Generator
31:57 - Burst Generator
32:47 - 2 Voice Rise/Fall Synth

Module Overview:

Each channel has a signal input and trigger input, looping attack/release cycles from audio level (VCO) to LFO cycles as long as 7+ hours. The attack/release has shaping from exponential to linear to logarithmic and can attenuate or invert with the OUT attenuator. Attack/Release have CV control as well as CH.2 & 3 having an inverted BOTH input for Attack and Release control similar to 1v/oct tracking. Channels 1 and 2 have Rise and Fall gates that are high whenever the signal is in their respective Attack (Rise)/Release (Fall) state.

Each OUT signal is internally routed to control the CV for it's VCA, and each channel's VCA input is the signal input
(You can treat the VCA input as the CV and the internally routed signal as your signal for half wave rectification).

Channels 1 and 4 also have a constant voltage switch for 5 and 10 volts so you can set any discrete voltage within that range (positive or negative). Also use this with a signal input to offset your voltage.

And don't be shy with self-patching, QARV likes to play with itself!

And a special thanks to After Later Audio for providing the Module for this video!


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