MANCHESTER CONSTRUCTION CONTROVERSY | St Michael's tower to overshadow Albert Sq?

Описание к видео MANCHESTER CONSTRUCTION CONTROVERSY | St Michael's tower to overshadow Albert Sq?

The controversial "footballer's" development on Bootle Street near Albert Square is under construction - in its revised format. But a large tower will dominate Albert Square, the former site will become a busy and dense development of shops, bars, restaurants, cafes with a hotel, apartments and offices.

00:00 St Mary's The Hidden Gem
00:50 Trinity Statues
03:00 Lincoln Square and statue
04:30 Contemporary & classic - the John Rylands Library - a cathedral to books
05:52 Magenta Otter Travels
06:00 St Michael's / Bootle Street construction site
08:00 St Michael's development architectural visualisations
09:30 Return to the Hidden Gem

Interlinking themes are the dichotomy between sacred architecture and commercial development, the effect of shadows on buildings and the renewal of the area to the west of Albert Square. St Mary's the Hidden Gem is now less hidden after the new building 'moved aside' to reveal the church, which was first opened in 1794 and rebuilt in 1848 (thanks to Chris Lethbridge for clarification on this). Meanwhile another place of worship - a synagogue - will be demolished and replaced by a new one as part of the Bootle Street or St Michael's development - and why did they name it after a saint?

I also announce a YouTuber collaboration. I appear in a video by Magenta Otter Travels. She tours England and Scotland visiting many famous tourist destinations assisted by her husband, also from the USA. Recently they visited Manchester and I appeared in the video. Here is the link:    • MANCHESTER: Should you visit?  Americ...  

I chose some great music from the YouTube Audio Library, where talented but mostly unknown musicians share a sample of their music for free to help advance their careers:

Blue Macaw by Quincas Moreira
Sangria by Saidbysed
Gentle Breeze by Geographer
Lights Go Down by Dan Henig
New Moon by BadSnacks (my favourite YouTube musician. She is... awesome!)
Staycation by Corbyn Kites
Away by Geographer

Here is an article about the Chopin statue


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