Can You Pass the Worlds BEST UNI Without ANY LECTURES!?

Описание к видео Can You Pass the Worlds BEST UNI Without ANY LECTURES!?

The No Lecture Challenge is finally here...

One million views or this channel will die here, hahaha (its not a joke tho). I still do enjoy editing and making videos but I think I should quit just for the fact that I'm about to turn 21 this year and it's kinda embarassing if I still keep doing this hobby that I've done since I was ten as a fully grown adult without it succeeding (I'm on 200 subs ten years in) And it's embarrasing for me to keep promoting this stuff but I need to cuz or else it will die in algorithm hell so Imma stop serious making videos like this but maybe I'll post other projects I'll work on in the future here but this is my last leap of faith to make my youtber childhood dream come true. Therefore I obviously I went all out on this video, it took like a whole year to make, so if this video does succeed I will buy myself a new computer and upgrade my software (because I am working on a potato pc on 6 years outdated software) and I'll work hard I promise. All this said, thank you so much for watching this video, even if this doesnt blow up. I would say its a great send off to my channel. Thank you everyone who's supported me these past 10 years to chase my dream and thank you all for watching my hard work and for reading till the end. Y'all are the real ones.


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