How to print your work 1830's style - Learning to Salt Print with the Fotospeed Salt Printing Kit

Описание к видео How to print your work 1830's style - Learning to Salt Print with the Fotospeed Salt Printing Kit

Being a graphic designer I am interested in art and different printing techniques. Since getting into photography and especially film photography, it has opened up a new world of alternative processes that I didn't know of or were not at the front of my conscious thought.

This week I ordered a salt printing kit as I thought I would like to try it and possibly a kit would be better than ordering chemicals I know nothing about.

For my first go at salt Printing it was challenging and rewarding at the same time. With highs, lows, lots of discovery and mistakes, but was lots of fun.

Salt Printing is an amazing process that was invented in the 1830's by Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot.

In the short time of a few days I have used the kit and watched numerous YouTube videos. It has given me a greater understanding and knowledge of some of the printing out techniques. One thing I really need to look at is my negative. If you want punchy dark tones and bright highlights you really need a good negative.

Having had this sample, I feel I want to explore this process more and try some of the various methods of other photographers like Quinn Jacobson and Borut Peterlin who seem to get really contrasty prints.

Watch this space :)


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