Why Do My Legs Sink?

Описание к видео Why Do My Legs Sink?

Is learning to float all that important?

Short answer = NO!

(I cannot float naturally and I've been swimming for 30+ years!)

It's a misconception that we need to float to be able to swim. This usually stems from taking swimming lessons as kids where a lot of time is spent trying to float both on the front and back. Starfish anyone?

If your legs sink that does not mean you cannot learn to balance.

It is possible to teach yourself to float (but not necessary) by experimenting with your head position, hand positions, core and glute muscle activation. Give it a try and let me know how you get on!

But thankfully you do not need to masters this before learning to swim. All we need is to kick enough to balance.

Check out this video next:


Now, head to the pool and Swim Smart!



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