YiFong & Eleanor's Kitchen 怡凤和妹妹的厨房 Ep 7

Описание к видео YiFong & Eleanor's Kitchen 怡凤和妹妹的厨房 Ep 7

Yifong decides to invite Ben Yeo to her kitchen again, but she thinks he comes with an agenda this time! Christopher Lee joins in the fun and to share his culinary skills and acting experience. As they prepare their dishes, they talk about their children and views on parenthood. Yifong shares her experience with depression, little does she know that Eleanor has also suffered during those dark days. 怡凤决定再次邀请杨志龙来到她的厨房做客,志龙却来砸场!阿哥李铭顺也来凑一脚,分享厨艺和演戏心得!面对两位奶爸厨神,怡凤早有对策。大家在厨房里边做饭边聊起了父母经,谈论各自对孩子的要求。怡凤分享自己患忧郁症时的经历,让她意想不到的是在那段记忆模糊不清的岁月中,妹妹竟然承受过不少怡凤从来不曾知道的苦头。


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