Bart Ehrman and Kevin Grant - A Discussion About Hell

Описание к видео Bart Ehrman and Kevin Grant - A Discussion About Hell

I am pleased to post here an interview that I had with Platinum blog member Kevin Grant, who has recently published a book "What Did Jesus Say About Hell?: A Non-Religious Look at the Facts, and the Love that Shows You how to Soar in Your Spiritual Potential". You can get the book here on Books. As you will see, it has received very high rankings on Amazon.

Kevin and I see eye-to-eye on most of the critical points, and we flesh them out here in the interview. His book strives to reach a different audience from mine, people who would not be inclined to read one of my books but would be open to hearing the views of someone they take to be sympathetic with their religious convictions but wants to provide them with assurance from the Bible itself that they do not need to stand in fear of eternal torment.

We cover all that and much more in this interview. I hope you enjoy it! And feel free to comment.


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