Harvard HBS | MBA Spotlight Oct 2020 | Live Q&A with HBS Admissions

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#Harvard #MBASpotlight #BSchool
#HBS Live Q&A with Admission Team.
Full Schedule - https://gmatclub.com/forum/mba-spotli...
REGISTER to Secure your Spot https://gmatclub.com/forum/ucp.php?mo...
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Host: Maria Wich-Vila, Founder - ApplicantLab.com MBA Admissions Consulting
Participating Adcom Members:
Evan Sherwood (Coordinator, MBA Admissions Office)
Katie Kelsall (Manager, MBA Financial Aid)
As a first-generation college student, navigating the financial aid system and paying for college were both significant challenges to Katie. She ultimately decided to turn her personal struggle with finance into an opportunity to help and educate others. Her primary goal is to increase access to higher education by providing students with the information and funding they need to be successful.


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