SM64: ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 8 (150k special)

Описание к видео SM64: ṩṩἔᾗмὄḋᾗᾄʀ 8 (150k special)

Mario has created magical and enchanted golden spaghetti, which is irresistable to any spaghetti lover! OH GOD YOU HEAR THAT SOUND ITS AN EARTHQUAKE- NO! ITS A GIANT MARIO HEAD, HOLY CRAP RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!.

visit my facebook!
  / 430842033673952  
and also tweeeeeter!
  / that_hobo_smg4  
buy some swag!

credit to Datvoiceguy for deathstare luigi guy segment.
credit to Zuki_XD for the bowser voice.

thanks for all deh happiness! enjoy!


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