Ganga Devi’s glories – Under the guidance of our Sarasvat Gaudiya Guruvarga

Описание к видео Ganga Devi’s glories – Under the guidance of our Sarasvat Gaudiya Guruvarga

Ganga Devi, having taken her birth from the Lotus Feet of Vishnu, is no other than a Vaishnava, and as such is an object of our worship. Therefore, to try to wash away the filthy dirt of a sinner by engaging her services will be adding more sins to his credit. A Vaishnava should always be the object of our worship and devotion.The Vaishnavas alone are the only persons who know how to serve Ganga Devi. Sambhu, the best of all the Vaishnavas, has shown the ideal of service of Ganga-Devi by holding her upon his head.

As published in The Harmonist (or Sree Sajjanatoshani)


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