lightweight cable tool drill rig / forage à faible coût

Описание к видео lightweight cable tool drill rig / forage à faible coût

This prototype cable tool rig is an experiment in low-cost water well drilling in West Africa. The goal is to create a machine for less than 4000 USD that can install small capacity wells up to 40m depth in zones where water can be obtained without drilling through dozens of meters of granite bedrock. Drillers will be able to buy or lease equipment through a franchise and operate their own businesses drilling wells targeting the household market in rural areas and in periurban neighborhoods that do not have reliable public water. Geology at this test site is red clay down to the water table at 22 feet, saturated clay with high mica content darkening to gray down to 30 feet, turning progressively to coarse gray sand, an intrusive vein of quartz-feldspar porphyry at 45 feet which was easily shattered to the point that pipe could be driven past it, and as of publication back to coarse sand. The pipe is Interplast 200mm well casing which will be pulled back after placing the gravel pack.

0:08 driving pipe
0:25 drilling
1:56 bailing
3:56 setting and driving 5th section of temporary casing

Ce prototype foreuse à câble est un essai à faire le forage à faible coût. Le but c'est de fabriquer une machine coutant moins de 2 million CFA capable de forer jusqu'a 40m dans les lieux ou on peut trouver de l'eau sans creuser des dizaines de metre de granite. Les foreurs auront de droite de louer ou acheter l'equipements et les utiliser pour creer leur propre entreprise. Ils cibleront les quartiers rural ou mal-servi par le service publique. Le sol à cet endroit est d'argiles rouges jusqu'a la nappe à 7m, argile gris jusqu'a 10m, sable gris, un petit couche de porphyre de quartz-feldspath, et encore de sable gris. Le tuyau c'est Interplast 200mm, et sera retirer après le placement des gravier autour du tubage permanant.

0:08 enfonçage de tuyau
0:25 forage à percussion
1:56 curage
3:56 mettre en place et enfoncer le 5eme tuyau temporaire


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