Rindu Menyerka A Melodic Journey Top Hits Music Update

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Rindu Menyerka A Melodic Journey of Top Hits Music Updates Song

Lirik in indonesian Song:

Dalam keheningan malam
Rindu menyerka
Tak ada lagi yang bersamaku
Saat kau pergi
Tinggalkanku sendiri
Hanya sepi yang ku dengar
Dalam relung hati yang pedih

Hujan yang turun
Menghapuskan segalanya
Tiada harapan
Hanya air mata yang mengalir
Kutertunduk lesu
Tak sanggup berdiri
Hanya bayangmu yang tersisa
Menemani sepi dalam diri

Senja merayap
Angin berhembuslah
Sepi menari
Cerita tlah berlalu
Tinggal kenangan
Di hati yang hancur
Tiada lagi yang terucap
Hanya perih dalam dusta

Gelap terasa
Dalam keheningan malam
Rindu menyerka
Tak ada lagi yang bersamaku
Saat kau pergi
Tinggalkanku sendiri
Hanya sepi yang ku dengar
Dalam relung hati yang pedih

Hujan yang turun
Menghapuskan segalanya
Tiada harapan
Hanya air mata yang mengalir
Kutertunduk lesu
Tak sanggup berdiri
Hanya bayangmu yang tersisa
Menemani sepi dalam diri

Tiada lagi yang bisa,menemani sepinya hidupku, hanya sepi yang ku dengar
Dalam renung ku tertunduk lesu, hanya bayang mu yang tersisa
Kenangan yang tak pernah hilang
Tiada lagi yang bisa, hanya sepi yang ku dengar
Dalam renung ku tertunduk lesu, hanya bayang mu yang tersisa
Hanya bayang mu yang
Hanya sepi yang ku dengar, Hanya sepi yang ku dengar
Dalam renung ku tertunduk lesu, hanya bayang mu yang

Hanya sepi yang ku dengar, dalam renung ku tertunduk lesu

Tiada lagi yang terucap
Hanya perih dalam dusta

Gelap terasa
Dalam keheningan malam
Kan ada lagi yang bersamaku
Saat kau pergi
Tinggalkanku sendiri
Hanya sepi yang ku dengar
Dalam relung hati yang pedih

Title: Rindu Menyerka
lyrics Song:
In the silence of the night
I miss you
There's no one with me anymore
When you go
Leave me alone
I only heard silence
In the depths of a painful heart

Falling rain
Erasing everything
No hope
Only tears flowed
I bowed down tiredly
Unable to stand
Only your shadow remains
Accompany the silence within yourself

Dusk creeps in
The wind blows
Quiet dancing
The story has passed
Left with memories
In a broken heart
Nothing more was said
Only painful in lies

It feels dark
In the silence of the night
I miss you
There's no one with me anymore
When you go
Leave me alone
I only heard silence
In the depths of a painful heart

Falling rain
Erasing everything
No hope
Only tears flowed
I bowed down tiredly
Unable to stand
Only your shadow remains
Accompany the silence within yourself

There is nothing else that can accompany the loneliness of my life, only silence is what I hear
In my contemplation, I bow my head listlessly, only your image remains
Memories that never disappear
There's nothing else I can hear, only silence
In my contemplation, I bow my head listlessly, only your image remains
It's just your shadow
It's only silence that I hear, It's only silence that I hear
In my contemplation I bowed my head listlessly, only your shadow remained

I only heard silence, in contemplation I bowed my head listlessly

Nothing more was said
Only painful in lies

It feels dark
In the silence of the night
There's someone else with me
When you go
Leave me alone
I only heard silence
In the depths of a painful heart

In this captivating musical voyage immerse yourself in the melodic waves of Rindu Menyerka Our journey unfolds with harmonious rhythms weaving emotions and memories From the first note to the last crescendo let the music embrace your soul

🎵 Key Features

Melodic Exploration Dive into a symphony of emotions where each chord resonates with longing and passion
Top Hits Discover the songs that have captured hearts worldwide From soulful ballads to upbeat anthems this journey promises variety
Music Updates Stay tuned for fresh releases remixes and exclusive content Our playlist evolves just like your feelings
🌟 Benefit to the Listener As you listen let Rindu Menyerka transport you beyond time and space Whether youre reminiscing or creating new memories this melodic journey awaits

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