Fentanyl: Death Incorporated with producer Dr. Robert Marbut Jr. | Charles Story of Recovery

Описание к видео Fentanyl: Death Incorporated with producer Dr. Robert Marbut Jr. | Charles Story of Recovery

This Week: Kimberly Bonati, Ethan Youker and Spine surgeon Alfred Bonati, M.D., discuss how the fentanyl crisis continues to ravage our country and is now the leading cause of death among young Americans. Dr. Robert Marbut explores the devastation being caused by this powerful drug in his documentary, ‘Fentanyl: Death Incorporated.' Then, Charles was dealing with balance issues, pain, and weakness in his legs after an injury working around the house. After his exclusive Bonati Spine Procedures, he is back to riding his motorcycle and enjoying time with family and friends, all pain free.
(Original airdate 12-21-24)

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