Rigël Theatre - Lurie (Album: Älvorna -Memories of Abcense-)

Описание к видео Rigël Theatre - Lurie (Album: Älvorna -Memories of Abcense-)

♫ Composer: Rigël Theatre

♫ Illustrator: JaneMere

♫Track: Lurie

♫Album: Älvorna Memories of Abcense

★ Rigël Theatre:
Soundcloud:   / rig-l  
Website: http://www.rigeltheatre.com/

★ Älvorna -Memories of Abcense-: http://www.rigeltheatre.com/alvorna/a...

★ Illustrator: JaneMere
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4...
Twitter:   / janemere  
Website: http://janemere.blog126.fc2blog.us/
Patreon:   / janemere  

Illustration: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.p...

If any artist, producer, circle or studio have any issue with this upload, please contact: [email protected] and this will be modified right away.


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