Holiday Special - Canelones 1 of 3

Описание к видео Holiday Special - Canelones 1 of 3

Come visit Fernando as he prepares the quintessential Catalan Christmas fare -- canelones!! -- and introduces you to an up-and-coming starlet with a Catalan surname -- Sabrina Fustier! While Sabrina and Fernando prepare the canelones, they chat about Sabrina's budding film and music career BUT they fail to reveal the ingredient used in Spain that makes this dish so special. So tune in to hear Sabrina sing like a little Christmas birdie, find out how to make classic Catalan canelones and to discover the authentic ingredient that gives canelones their particular flavor. See you there! We wish all of our fans Happy Holidays and a Marvelous New Year. Your on-going support this past year is truly appreciated. We send you big Spanish kisses on both cheeks! !Felices Fiestas a Todos!


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