Horizon Forbidden West - Rescoring | Anthony Rumiche

Описание к видео Horizon Forbidden West - Rescoring | Anthony Rumiche

🎶 Rescoring "Horizon Forbidden West" 🎮

I took on the challenge of rescoring a gameplay segment from Horizon Forbidden West, where Aloy faces off against two Terramammoths to acquire their valuable technological parts.

🔊 Composition & Production Plan:
The goal was to ensure the soundtrack captured the imposing presence of the Terramammoth. To achieve this, I incorporated electronic elements to emphasize that these creatures are machines. I used low synths and electronic percussion to represent the creature's heavy footsteps, accentuating the first beats to create a sense of weight and power.

For the mix, I applied various effects like delay, reverb, and chorus to enhance the atmosphere and depth of the scene.

🎓 This rescoring was part of my final project for my Bachelor's degree in Music Composition at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.

👇 Feedback Welcome:
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this rescoring! Feel free to check it out and share your feedback.

#GameMusic #HorizonForbiddenWest #portfolioday #gamedev #indiedev


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