Swami Vivekananda Influence of Buddhism on Hinduism and Jagannath Puri Temple was Buddhist temple

Описание к видео Swami Vivekananda Influence of Buddhism on Hinduism and Jagannath Puri Temple was Buddhist temple

Description: In this video, we explore the writings of Swami Vivekananda on the influence of Buddhism on Hinduism and the Jagannath Puri temple. Vivekananda noted that even though Buddhism had almost disappeared from India during the times of the Guptas, the worship of Buddha was adopted by the Tantrikas, and in this worship, the Shakta and Vaishnava ideas were incorporated. He also mentioned that the Buddhists used to worship Buddha in his various incarnations at the Jagannath Puri temple, and this practice was continued by the Vaishnavas who substituted the image of Jagannath for that of Buddha. We delve deeper into Vivekananda's observations and discuss the historical and cultural context of the Jagannath Puri temple and its rituals.


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