Boubou Design's Amazing Portraits Painted with Everyday Objects !

Описание к видео Boubou Design's Amazing Portraits Painted with Everyday Objects !

Today, meet Boubou Niang,‎‎ better known as Boubou Design, the internet star from Dakar and very talented ‎‎visual‎‎ artist. ‎

Welcome to The Art Of! We showcase Daily the most beautiful and inspiring Art we come across, from drawing, painting, sculptures, street art, calligraphy and many others style. We hope to inspire you and we are convinced that you will fall in love with some of the amazing artists we showcase.

‎Boubou Design is a sensation on ‎‎social media,‎‎ where he shares videos of himself making his ‎art.‎‎ He has the distinction of often painting his canvases upside down and painting with very different materials instead of brushes or rollers‎.

He mainly creates portraits, very often those of celebrities. The tools are often related to the profession or the political message of the personalities represented. He painted ‎‎Amber Rose‎‎ with his bare hands, the portrait of The ‎‎Rock‎‎ with dumbbells‎3, that of Senegalese footballer ‎‎Sadio Mané‎‎ with a football‎4, ‎‎Beyoncé's‎‎ with a pump‎‎, that of ‎‎Nelson Mandela‎‎ with a shape representing Africa and that of Neymar with his foot in a football shoe.

  / bouboudesign_

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