Lionfire | Reveal Trailer | Conqueror's Blade

Описание к видео Lionfire | Reveal Trailer | Conqueror's Blade

Season Lionfire to be released on September 19th. Join the warfare revolution and play FREE TODAY on STEAM.
Website (US/EU)

Website (Asia)

Song Lyrics:
《Gustav Adolphus den Store》


I heard the horn from my home Stockholm
It’s the emergent call for the thirty years’ war
I trained my brothers to reload three times more
We’re fully ready for the bloody storm
We gonna conquer the world
(Conquer the world)


I won’t be alone with my gun
(Power is infinity)
How dare you come just be gone
(Don’t be a tragedy)
Put on rawhide armor
Shoot through metal helmet
Exploring louder, screaming higher
Don’t, don’t you know my line formation?
Next generation!


Musketeer (Penetration)
Fortification (Activation)
Reloading Attacking
All Units Shifting
Cannon Squad (on Position)

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