11 easy osu! farm maps to retry over and over and over (50pp to 300pp!)

Описание к видео 11 easy osu! farm maps to retry over and over and over (50pp to 300pp!)

As a certified strategic resetter, I know a lot about farming and the techniques used to maximize profit. Today, I pass on the knowledge to you! Will you get ranks? Probably. You're awesome. That's why.

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0:00 - Intro
1:06 - Emotional Uplifting Orchestral
2:37 - Blinding Lights
3:42 - Kimi no Kiseki
5:21 - Kira Kira Days
6:20 - Hibari
7:13 - Mata Ashita
7:48 - Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko
8:33 - Los
9:27 - Astronomia
10:14 - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna
12:39 - Outro


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