シノアリス: ヨクボウ篇 第一章
SINoALICE: DESIRE Arc Chapter 1.
The transfer to reality is completed, and an invasion is initiated. Two characters, Gishin and Anki, introduce themselves at the endpoint of the "Library," where everything in the world has merged into one. They inquire about the protagonist's achievements and what they have fought against.
Gishin and Anki boast about the destruction of the world, and the Nutcracker engages in battle against Nightmares. The DAU meter is introduced as the lifespan of the world, and the Nutcracker confronts challenges to save the characters.
Anki questions the protagonist's ability to rescue characters smoothly and emphasizes the gravity of the situation. The video ends with the cessation of the museum function, accompanied by another call for support and engagement.
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SINoALICE, シノアリス, 心罪爱丽丝, ポケラボ, RPG, ヨコオタロウ, 横尾太郎, 岡部啓一, MONACA,
NieR:Automata, Drakengard, NieR, ニーア オートマタ, ドラッグオンドラグーン, シノアリス篇, ヨクボウ篇,
ブレイカー, クラッシャー, ガンナー, パラディン, クレリック, ミンストレル, ソーサラー, メイジ,
アリス, M・A・O, 束縛, 爱丽丝, Alice,
スノウホワイト, 上田麗奈, 正義, 白雪公主, Snow White,
シンデレラ, 喜多村英梨, 卑劣, 仙度瑞拉, Cinderella,
ヘンゼル, グレーテル, 内田真礼, 虚妄, 汉赛尔, 葛丽特, Gretel,
いばら姫, 本渡楓, 睡眠, 睡美人, Briar Rose,
赤ずきん, 立花理香, 暴力, 小红帽, Red Riding Hood,
かぐや姫, 伊藤静, 被虐, 辉夜姬, Kaguya,
ピノキオ, 三瓶由布子, 依存, 皮诺丘, Pinocchio,
人魚姫, 能登麻美子, 悲哀,人鱼公主, Little Mermaid,
ドロシー, 高橋李依, 探究, 桃乐丝, Dorothy,
くるみ割り人形, 白熊寛嗣, 老害, 胡桃夹子, Nutcracker,
三匹の子豚, 悠木碧, 暴食, 三只小猪, Three Little Piggies,
アラジン, 柿原徹也, 藤原夏海, 成金, 阿拉丁, Aladdin,
ラプンツェル, 藤田茜, 純潔, 长发公主, Rapunzel,
ハーメルン, 前野智昭, 耽美, 哈默尔恩, Hamelin,
マッチ売りの少女, 相良茉優, 業火, 卖火柴的小女孩, Little Match Girl,
ギシン, アンキ, 疑心, 暗鬼, Gishin, Anki,
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