How to Create YouTube Account

Описание к видео How to Create YouTube Account

How to Create YouTube Account. (Watch Movies, TV Shows, Music Albums and Tutorials)
How to Create YouTube Account?
1. Open your Favorite Browser.
2. Go to
3. Click “Sign in” Button at the Top Right Corner of the Page.
4. By creating one Google account, you can access all Google products.
5. Click Create an account link.
6. Enter Your First and Last Name.
7. As we are creating a new email account, select I would like a new Gmail address.
8. Now, choose a user name for your Google account.
9. Enter a password.
10. Type the password again to confirm.
11. Enter Your Date of Birth.
12. Select Gender.
13. Enter Your Mobile Phone Number.
14. Select Your Country.
15. Accept the terms and condition and click on next step button.
16. You May Create a Google plus Profile If you Wish.
17. Click “No Thanks” if you don't need a Google plus Account.
18. Click “Create Your Profile” Button to create a Google plus Account.
19. Your New Email Address and Google plus account has been created.
20. Click on “Back to YouTube” Button.
21. As i said earlier you can access all Google products from one Google account and this applies for YouTube as well.
22. This is How You can Create a YouTube Account.

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