6 months coffee free and my life is better for it

Описание к видео 6 months coffee free and my life is better for it

I thought I was going to drink coffee forever. I had the worst kind of caffeine addiction. It was the first thing I thought about when I woke up and the last thing keeping me awake at night. Ditching coffee was hard, but I don't regret it one bit. There are so many benefits to living caffeine free! Plus, there's always decaf!

0:00 - 1:30: It's worth it to quit
1:31 - 3:53: Reclaiming my morning
3:45 - 6:25: No more crashing
6:26 - 8:15: Way less anxiety
8:16 - 10:29: More in tune with my body
10:30 - 11:40: Tips for quitting

#coffee #caffeinefree #caffeineaddict


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