Livestream ~ Energy Healing requests ~ Q & A ~ Psychic Intuitive - Medical Medium ~ Sarah McLeod

Описание к видео Livestream ~ Energy Healing requests ~ Q & A ~ Psychic Intuitive - Medical Medium ~ Sarah McLeod

Dear ones,
This Livestream energy healing is a co-creation of Conscious Intention and Spirit Guidance.
I will be taking healing requests and working the energy imprints that are revealed to me in realtime.
I appreciate all donations if you feel like you receive some benefit :)

Sydney AEST, Sat 15th @ 11:11am
Mumbai IST, Sat 15th 6:11 am
Nairobi EAT, Sat 15th June @ 6:41
Singapore SGT, Sat 15th @ 9:11am
London BST, Sat 15th @ 2:11am
Los Angeles PDT, Fri 14th Jun @6:11pm
NYC EDT, Fri 14th June @ 9:11pm
Hawaii HST, Fri 14th June @3:11pm
Please note that as this is a public broadcast - your participation is your consent for me to publicly discuss your health and medical conditions.
I acknowledge that all healing comes from the Divine and this is not by any means a replacement for Western Medicine. I do not claim to cure or heal anybody. Take what resonates and if the information that comes through rings true for you and seems to fit then you have information that you can work with to heal your body, mind & spirit.
I work on the premise that what energy presents is what your spirit is ready to resolve and be cleared.
**Please also note that emotional, mental and physical catharsis is a part of the healing journey and I can in no way be held responsible or liable for your integration and process of releasing what no longer serves your highest good.**
All you need is an open mind and to affirm ‘yes’ to receive the healing energy transmission.
Each time you watch it, the healing is exponential and accumulative in its effect.

What is ASMR? ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response; a term used to describe a tingling, static-like, or goosebumps sensation in response to specific triggering audio or visual stimuli.

Spirit Guidance:



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