Power Carving a Briar Pipe

Описание к видео Power Carving a Briar Pipe

My first attempt at carving a pipe! It starts out a bit questionable… but develops into a piece I’m quite happy with. Even if you’re not into pipes, you might enjoy the art, or the process of power carving.

I used a wide variety of bits for my rotary tool (I’d provide the brand name, but I don’t really like it enough to recommend it, or not) from 150 grit diamond bits (inexpensive) to some nice carbide burs. It was a learning process for me, so I can begin my next briar pipe carving with more confidence!

November 10th is the birthday of my beloved Marine Corps! Born on November 10, 1775, in a popular bar… yep we have those bragging rights… Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. So, Happy Birthday, Marines! Be smart and safe when you celebrate, and don’t compromise yourself or others.

Thank you Glenda and George Graves! Wow, do I love that Marine Corps Emblem art you made and sent me. Outstanding.

Sticking with the Marine Corps theme this week, a leadership principle we’re all taught is to know yourself and seek self-improvement. This is something we can all apply to our lives by just a small amount of self-evaluation followed by a plan of attack.

As a Christian, I need a lot of improvement. I need to set a better example in my personal walk, inward and outward. The food for thought this week is what I believe God’s answer is to that need:
Psalm 119:9-11
9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to the word.
10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.
11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

We need to fix what’s’ in our hearts before we can fix anything else. Memorize scripture so you have it to fall back on and refer to in your daily walk. This plan of attack, I say to myself first, and share with you.

My email is: [email protected]
My post office address is:
Rod Humphrey
PO Box 159
Chesterfield, IN 46017

God Bless and Semper Fidelis


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