The Parley

Описание к видео The Parley

The Parley is a prayer call from my Motherland, #Kenya, adapted from my poem The Parley (below). It invokes the #Kalenjin deities to restore balance, life, and unity to a troubled community. The song also calls upon the Priesthood to unite the people and reclaim their traditions.

The Parley

Come, Asis,
Come, Ngolo,
Rise, Oiik,
The balance is upset,
Bring back the light and life.

Hush, Ilat,
Ray, Seta,
The fold sues,
Rescind the old blood debt,
We have seen enough strife.

Shine again.
All Knowing, All Father,
Stay the cataclysm.

Come, Tisiik,
Raise the clan,
Old and young,
Bring the brood together,
Reclaim the old rhythm.
©P.M Quinns

This is the original poem and does not include the chorus in the song.


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