SAS VIYA || SAS Programming In 90 Days || SAS Visual Text Analytics || Day - 27

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/* SAS Programming in 90 Days

Day - 27 || SAS® Visual Analytics – SAS Visual Text Analytics

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SAS Visual Text Analytics Nodes

Topic Node

Specifying Settings for the Topics Node

The Topic Discovery settings determine the number of topics that are generated when you run a Topics node.

The Term density setting determines the term cutoff value for each topic.
The Document density setting affects the cutoff for each topic in a way similar to term density.

Exploring Topics in Your Document Collection

Merging Topics - If two topics appear to be similar to one another, you can merge those topics into one.
Splitting Topics - If a topic seems to be too broad in scope, you can split that topic into two new topics.
Create a Topic from Terms - Creating a topic from terms that you select is effective for targeting groups of documents specific to your analysis.
Add a Topic as a Category - To add a topic as a category.




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