Zwart VS Omegamon!! | Digimon Card Game: Operation Omega (FINAL PHASE)

Описание к видео Zwart VS Omegamon!! | Digimon Card Game: Operation Omega (FINAL PHASE)

This is the FINAL PHASE of Operation Omega, a team battle series featuring various themed decks from the fifth booster of the Digimon Card Game: Battle of Omega! The final two decks to clash are the fated rivals and namesakes of both teams: Zwart and Omegamon. The Black Omegamon Zwart deck is Reboot-centred and establishes a solid field presence that is both heavily offensive and defensive. The Blue/Red hybrid Omegamon deck is a theme deck that combines the Agumon and Gabumon lines to beat down the opponent with low-cost evolution and high-level Digimon. Which side will claim the final victory!?

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rustmarrow! My channel is primarily dedicated to Yu-Gi-Oh! and Kamen Rider (tokusatsu)! Subscribe for booster box openings, tokusatsu merch openings, and English covers of songs from both franchises!!
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