Neuropsychological evaluations: What are they, and how can I prepare for one?

Описание к видео Neuropsychological evaluations: What are they, and how can I prepare for one?

This week’s education session offers information about what neuropsychological evaluations are and what individuals can expect if they are scheduled to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation.

This is a presentation put together by our Adult/Geriatric Neuropsychology Predoctoral Intern, Josh
Fox-Fuller, about what people can expect if they are scheduled for a neuropsychological evaluation.
Josh is a doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology at Boston University and earned his bachelor’s
degree in Psychology and Spanish at Texas A&M University.

Through a unique research partnership with the Georgia Institute of Technology, the Cognitive Empowerment Program aims to provide people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and their Care Partners and families an opportunity to participate in comprehensive lifestyle programs that promote joy, purpose, health, and wellness.
CEP is a research study at Emory University in partnership with Georgia Tech in which a person with mild cognitive impairment and their care partner participate in several hours of educational programming each week for an entire year.

The program introduces new non-intrusive technologies and techniques to improve the lives of people with MCI and their Care Partners at home and in the program's clinical space.

Lifestyle Interventions
The Cognitive Empowerment Program provides structured activities that enhance the physical, cognitive, and emotional wellbeing of our Members.

The Innovation Accelerator provides unique opportunities for Members to directly engage with efforts to improve their situation through participating in co-designing and research.

A flexible, safe, engaging, personalized, and evidence-based built environment that enhances function for the program and for others creating physical settings and programs for people with MCI.

Our programming includes cognitive training, physical training, nutrition, support groups, and a host of other topics in hopes of increasing their sense of empowerment, their sense community, and hopefully decrease their symptoms.

You can register to join by clicking the following link:


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