Level 10 Twinks- Kissthecow and Skillcosby pwn WSG- WoW

Описание к видео Level 10 Twinks- Kissthecow and Skillcosby pwn WSG- WoW

This is one of my non BoA Twinks (alt server have no main there)besides Oplowbie. Me (Kissthecow) and Skillcosby team up to 2 man WSG and as you see, 2 lvl 10 twinks can easily carry the whole team in the new brackets. Also some of the crit footage is "pre-4.1" and "post 4.2" so you see my balance druid one-shotting toons with crits over 400 then, dropping to crits in the 200s, the patches have MASSIVELY nerfed lvl 10 druids and i no longer run balance. I respecced all my druids to resto for pvp. Even WITH the Cata heal nerf, resto is OP


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